Facts and figures about Bora Bora:

  • Number of inhabitants : 10 605
  • Surface area : 38 km²
  • Number of selfies taken in front of Mount Otemanu every year : 240 000

3 reasons to visit Bora Bora:

  • Try the overwater experience
  • Attend the Hawaiki Nui Va’a arrival
  • Get to discover what the original Heiva looked like

One calls it the Pearl of the Pacific Ocean, and Bora Bora is indeed a one-of-a-kind gem… However, with its motu-studded lagoon, it looks more like a whole parure gently placed in a turquoise casket. Among the most beautiful islands of the world, especially prized by tourists, it is too often neglected by locals who wrongly would rather go to more remote destinations.
And yet, the lagoon sparkles for everyone, and whatever the number of visitors, the island remains very charming. Whether one chooses to sleep out in the open on a tiny islet, to stay in a guesthouse by the road, or in an overwater bungalow, Bora Bora never disappoints.

You’ve heard it before, it’s not the destination that matters, but the travel in itself, and your personal travel starts aboard the ferryboat, on the most gorgeous road. There’s nothing like an Apetahi Express crossing and a masterly arrival facing Mount Otemanu to put yourself in the picture. As you reach the Teavanui bay, you instantly understand why the reputation of Bora Bora is unmatched. This collective infatuation has a lot to do with its translucent lagoon, which represents about three times the surface area of the main island. The snorkeling and scuba diving aficionados will see it as a gigantic natural aquarium, and the nautical sport amateurs a wide playground.
Mai te Pura, the island created by gods, still has some very good days ahead…

What to do on the island of Bora Bora?

Attend the Hawaiki Nui Va’a Arrival

A pareu tied around your head, an extra-large T-shirt highlighting the logo of the team you support, a bottle of Hinano beer in your hand, and a smile on your lips, just like your tan, you gotta work on your Hawaiki Nui Va’a dress code… Every year, the very first weekend of November, if there’s one event you must attend, that’s the one! The very best rowers compete on the high seas as they seek to reach the islands of Huahine, Raiatea, Taha’a, and Bora Bora and get rewarded by a triumphant welcome on the most famous beach of the Pacific Ocean.

Work on Your Tan on Matira Beach

Let aside these festivities, Matira turns out to be quite quiet the rest of the year, even though it can boast about being the one and only public beach of the island. With its smooth sand, translucent lagoon, and diversified marine fauna, this one-mile-long beach has no reason to be envious of traditional postcards…

Have Lunch at the Bora Bora Beach Club

The tuna steak and its homemade vanilla sauce: classic, timeless, effective. Just listen, this tiny snack by Matira Beach is exactly what you need right after a snorkeling session.

A Jet Ski Ride in the Lagoon

Okay, you may think it’s not what it’s cracked up to be, but a jet ski tour in Bora Bora is far from being overrated… If there is such a place where riding a jet ski becomes a vacation goal on its own, that’s it.

Gazing at the Sunset from the Bora Bora Yacht Club

The Bora Bora Yacht Club is always a good idea, but the whole sunset bonus should definitely cross your mind when it comes to choosing where to reserve a table… That and the salmon tagliatelle.

Have a Tapas or Two at the St James

How about dipping your toes in the water while having an aperitif? Let’s play the Chinese portrait game: if farniente were a restaurant, it would be the St James. Do us a favor and picture a few tapas, a delicatessen platter, a toast covered with a light lemon mousse with an outstanding sunset in the background, that is the spirit of Bora Bora…

A Pizza Party at the Lucky House – Fare Manuia

Can you really say you have been to Bora Bora if you haven’t spent half an hour in front of the Lucky House on a Friday night waiting for your margherita in the pouring rain? Big pleasures imply tiny sacrifices.

Attend the Heiva i Bora Bora

To’ata is all about perspective and spotlights, Vaitape has our heart. Some may argue the grandstands of the Tuvavau place are less comfortable – although the debate is still open – but for ‘ori Tahiti connoisseurs and himene tarava enthusiasts, Bora Bora is like going back to the root. Means and resources are limited, the fervor is important, and districts do have the sense of competition, to say the least. Stakes are high, the mood in terraces incomparable, and dancing barefoot in the sand with a belt made of gift ribbon is quite charming…

Hiking up to the Nunu’e Antennas

No never-ending path, no blisters, and yet a nice vista as a bonus after only a 30-minute walk. That says it all.
Only a few people know it, but if you go through the 17th tsunami evacuation path, it will lead you to a breathtaking panorama over the Povai Bay, and if you feel like going ahead, you will have plenty of time to stare at Matira Beach.

Drink a Bloody Mary at Bloody Mary’s…

Paradise, isn’t it all just about a bit of celery and a few drops of Tabasco, after all? With its pandanus roof and the impressive list of celebrities to their credits displayed by the road, it’s almost impossible to miss Bloody Mary’s. If you are desperately seeking the tiki bar spirit of the 80s, you are at the right place. People dock right in front of it, put on their floral shirt, and dip their toes in the sand as they have lunch. Generally, they also buy half a dozen of T-shirts and as many hats bearing the effigy of the most famous vahine.

Questing for the Eight Cannons

In spite of its bling-bling side, jet ski rides, and yacht sunset cruises, Bora Bora happens to be an open-air museum featuring plenty of remnants of World War II. As you venture out in the heights, you can find eight cannons testifying to the American presence during the launching of Operation Bobcat.

The Marae

Guidebooks rarely linger over it, but about twenty marae are to be found here and there on the island. The Fare Rua, next to Point Farepiti, would make a good cultural break.

Decipher the Mystery of the Turtle Rock

If you haven’t found your totem animal, Bora Bora definitely found hers. Ofa’i Honu, literally the turtle rock, remains one of the best-kept secrets of the island. Right in the middle of the Tiipoto caldera, stands a huge stone covered with petroglyphs symbolizing turtles.

Say Hi to the Manta Rays

You might think the nitrox bottle is of little interest in shallow waters, and yet the marine biodiversity will make you change your mind: manta rays, lemon sharks, black-tip sharks, and tiny clownfish have settled in the Raromatai as well.


Sometimes all you need is to gain altitude… Especially when it means being pulled by a boat to gaze at the most famous lagoon in the world.

An ATV Island Tour

But Bora Bora is not just a lagoon… Its main island is worth it! Get to explore its landscapes, its lush mountains, and hidden wonders during a 4WD island tour or even an ATV ride if you are more into thrills!

Stop by Bora Bora Original

You may have never heard about it, but shopping lovers know exactly what we are talking about. If you are willing to find a cocktail dress, a pareu, or a shell necklace, that’s the perfect shop…

Frequently asked questions

🛎️ How to travel to Bora Bora on a budget ?

In order to get to Bora Bora, there is a cheaper alternative to a flight to Bora Bora. The Apetahi Express offers quick and comfortable ferry boat trips which turn out to be less expensive than flight options.
See the Apetahi Express fares

⛱️ How to get to Bora Bora by boat?

The Apetahi express offers regular shuttle to and from Bora Bora every week. You will find below the schedule of the ferry boat trips to Bora Bora.
See the Apetahi Express schedule

🤿 How much is the ferry to Bora Bora?

Prices vary according to seasonality but remain very competitive. To get to know more, you will find below the Apetahi Express fares.
See the Apetahi Express fares